
How does it work?

I approach every photo session with a desire to capture memories for families that will last a lifetime. I take pride in the artwork that I create for every individual and family which is why I work with my clients to create a beautiful product in the end. I take the time to talk with my clients about what they have in mind for their portrait session. I educate my clients on the importance of printing your artwork. Having a flash drive full of digital images sitting in a drawer is not the best use of your photo session investment, but unfortunately without a professional guide to available custom artwork and products, most folks do exactly that! It’s my desire to provide your family with stunning displays of your images. Your portraits need to be enjoyed by everyone for generations to come!

{Commercial Clients: Please visit my commercial page here or contact me directly to discuss your needs and I will be happy to provide you with a free quote.}

Step #1


The very first thing in planning your portrait session is your consultation. This is where I get to know you and your family and you get to know me! We will chat about your wants and any artwork vision you may already have. We will also discuss things like session location and wardrobe. We will decide where and when your session will take place and schedule your session. The session fee of $185 is collected at this time in order to secure your spot on my calendar.

Step #2

Your Session

When your session day arrives we will meet at the pre-planned location we decided on during your consultation. I prefer to photograph my portrait sessions during the golden hours of the morning or late afternoon. Not only is the light best during these times, but it allows cooler temps for sessions booked in the hotter NC months. We will decide which time of day is best for everyone in your family, especially if you have little ones. We want to do our best to have everyone well rested with full tummies and snacks on hand as needed.

If it is an outdoor location and there is a weather threat, don’t worry, we will reschedule your session for a time that is convenient for everyone.

Step #3

Gallery Reveal & Ordering Appointment

Here comes the exciting part! About 2 weeks after your session, we will schedule a meeting where you will decide which images you would like to purchase. I will have a professionally edited slideshow prepared for you to view all of the images we captured at your session. Prepare for this session to last about an hour. Please be sure everyone who makes the financial decisions in your household is present. If you have small children, please arrange childcare for this appointment so you can relax and really focus on your image choices.

Step #4

Delivery Day

After about 3 weeks your artwork and custom products will arrive at the studio! We will set up a time for you to pick up your items or you may choose to have your artwork delivered and installed at your home, free of charge.

Have more questions or ready to book? I’d love to chat with you! You can email me here or call me at 336.991.7710.